STC Recognizes Law Enforcement Supporters

New Vehicle Branding Gives Nod to Area Agencies

  • Graphics on a Dodge Charger utilized by the Law Enforcement program recognize the agency that provided them.
  • Graphics on a Ford Explorer utilized by the Law Enforcement program recognize the agency that provided them.
  • Graphics on a Dodge Charger utilized by the Law Enforcement program recognize the agency that provided them.
  • Graphics on a Dodge Charger utilized by the Law Enforcement program recognize the agency that provided them.
  • Graphics on a Ford Explorer utilized by the Law Enforcement program recognize the agency that provided them.
  • Graphics on a Ford Explorer utilized by the Law Enforcement program recognize the agency that provided them.
  • Graphics on a Dodge Charger utilized by the Law Enforcement program recognize the agency that provided them.

Vehicles used by Southeast Tech’s Law Enforcement program were recently dressed up with new, STC-branded graphics that include a special nod of recognition to the supporting agency providing the vehicle to the program.

The fleet includes two Dodge Chargers, donated by the South Dakota Highway Patrol, and two Ford Explorers provided by the Minnehaha Sheriff’s Department.

“We thought it would be great to put graphics on the vehicles that resemble the agency we received them from,” said Richard Miller, a Law Enforcement instructor at Southeast Technical College. “We wanted to honor the agencies that have shown such wide support for our program. It promotes them, and it promotes us.”

To further show STC’s appreciation, the Law Enforcement program put together a reception in late April to showcase the new vehicle graphics and say thank you to all the agencies that support the program at STC.

Representatives from the Minnehaha County Sheriff’s Office, Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office, South Dakota Highway Patrol and the Sioux Falls Police Department were all on hand for the special recognition.

“Other agencies have supplied speakers, equipment like radios or control boxes, and job opportunities for our students,” Miller said. “We are very grateful for the support and we want to ensure our partnership continues to grow in the future so we can supply top-notch graduates to your agencies.”


December 12, 2022


Human Services, Industry, Law Enforcement