Horticulture Student Organization Assists with ‘Bugapalooza’
Event at Butterfly House Educates Visitors on Monarch Habitat
Make way for Bugapalooza! Students from Southeast Technical College’s Horticulture
program volunteered time at the Butterfly House and Aquarium to help educate visitors
on monarch butterfly habitat at the Bugapalooza event in August 2023.
At the 4-hour event, students set up a booth, met with nearly 400 attendees, and handed
out wildflower seed packets specifically designed to help monarchs on their annual
migration from Canada to Mexico.
The students also provided information to the public about wildflower gardens – no
garden is too small and anything helps all the pollinators. If a garden meets certain
criteria, it can be registered as a Monarch Butterfly Waystation and be on a national
registry with the option of educational signage.